Edge ~ 22 Aug 2014

This morning SpaceWeather.com reported that solar activity is likely to increase over the next days. This surge in solar weather just as the intensified edginess of Mars in Scorpio approaches the protocol, standards and rules of the very staunch Saturn. And this surge as the Sun enters Virgo, which on a good day is discerning, solution-oriented, and full of constructive criticism; and on a less than ideal day is cranky, chock full of critical output and judgment.

Given the time it takes for triggering sunspots to cross the disk of the Sun, the solar activity could extend well into next week when Jupiter in Leo moves into a quincunx formation with Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect personifies the collision of “I’ll do it my way” with “there are reasons and rules and you do not have the security clearance to know the rules, so be quiet and comply.”

Sounds like it could be a little edgy out there. To that statement, Pluto and Jupiter confer in the corner and chuckle. To “a little edgy,” Jupiter’s eyes widen and he chuckles, while Pluto’s reaction consists of a trace of a smile that in the right light could be seen as a sneer.

So let’s address Jupiter in Leo and Pluto in Capricorn first. If you’re going to approach the plutocrats in control of the show with your great ideas, here are a couple of safety tips:

> Do not protest or riot.

> Be cheerful, as the I-Ching suggests, “like the midday Sun.”

> Avoid telling the powers that be that the positions they hold are flat-out wrong.

> Offer solutions that no doubt will draw greater collective favor, provide viable answers to long-standing problems, and still maintain profitability, all while evolving consciousness. Here Pluto notes that it is not necessary to state your personal subtext... promote the gain for the plutocrats and you can leave your “win” out of it.

> Shun temptations to demonstrate superiority and quiet the arrogance troll who lives under the bridge of the subconscious.

> Watch out for Jupiter’s run-on tendencies. When you’ve said your peace, made the sale, won the argument, or stated your case, stop talking. Smile, shakes hands, hug it out and get the hell out of there.

Now, because of content in previous posts, I’m not going to reiterate the Mars-Saturn thing. In honor of Saturn, all previous posts are archived. No doubt you can feel the tremors of Mars meeting Saturn. Let your inner seismograph tip you off and may your good sensibilities prevail.

The good sensibilities thing with the solar activity ranges on the side of a tad more than not so easy. When the Sun is active, it often erupts shooting coronal mass ejections (CMEs) our way. With the current alignment of sunspots, this appears more likely than normal in the next days. These highly ionized blasts provide those in polar locations with the awe-inspiring, creativity- stimulating auroras. All others feel a shock wave hitting the aura, astral body, and chakra circuitry.

The shock of solar energy typically causes a lack of syncopation between physical activity, mental cognition and emotional response. Often a body becomes hyper and the mind/feeling center lethargic. Conversely, one may also feel mentally stimulated and emotionally overwrought while experiencing physical fatigue. This discombobulation leaves folks feeling highly out of sorts, extra irritable, quick to anger, and hair triggered when it comes to dumping emotional backlogs. This discipline to stay focused, high-minded and spiritually-centered is harder to find.

The solutions:

> First, realize this is happening.

> Avoid the urge to excessively pound coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants.

> Eat on time to keep the metabolism on schedule and blood sugar levels groovy.

> When feeling a psychic shock or emotional blast from others or the environment, excuse yourself. Take a few minutes. Breathe. Calm your heart. If you can, get outside and get some real air. Notice the placement of your feet on the earth, as in not upon concrete or asphalt. Seek out grass or earth. Feel your heart. Close your eyes. Open and look to the sky. When centered return to the crisis at hand.

And finally...

> Over the next week, get out in nature as much as you can. Sitting on the ground is great. > Walking barefoot works wonders. Take the time to view sunrises, sunsets, the night sky to restore awe and wonder.

> While it may be difficult to meditate, sit in your “space” in stillness. Even that will be sufficient.

> Keep your mind present. No running amok to what might or might not happen in the remainder of the year, 2020 or beyond.

> Stay solution-oriented when worry sets in. What would you do “if?” With what if resolved calm can return.

> At least once a day flash someone else the peace sign. While you’re at it, show the sign to yourself in the mirror or in a post-worthy selfie.

More soon.